Dear November, please be the best one for us.
Sayang, can't wait to meet you again. Can't wait to waste my time always looking at you. And do you know how much i can't wait to be OFFICIALLY yours? You are the only one i could imagine being married to. *gatal*
#Muhammad Norsobri, you are the reason why i'm smiling. :)
saye suke2... hehehe..cepat2kan lah jodoh kalian..aminnnnnnn :) miss u so much la dear..btw nice header sayangss
romantik jugak aten neh ye... =)
chua : hehe. thanks syg. amin =)
ana : sikit je. malu lah :p
insyaAllah. doa dan usaha tangga kejayaan :D
suwiiitnya awak ni :P
ruby : ayat makan dalam tu. sama kita usaha ye. tapi saya bagi can kat awak dulu. hehe.
min : awak lg suwitttt muwitt tau ! are the reason for me to smile..i love u so much..<3
awak, ite rs nk glepor awak komen ni. haha. *gedik. ketor pale baby. haha. i love you more!! <3
wewiitttttttttttt.. untunglaaaa :p
ngade guh mc yaaaa. :p
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